WTA Education Services developed, produced and distributed education materials focussed on citizenship for Key Stage 4 students (aged 14-18), and worked with author John Baines to produce the publications for the Key Stage 2 students. 


· To improve awareness of issues associated with litter and waste in schools.

· For participating schools to prepare or revisit their litter and waste code of practice.

· For individuals to adopt their own code of practice.

· To promote the exchange of ideas and information between schools and NGOs, Local Authorities, private sector companies and Going for Green on the topics of litter, waste and sustainable development.


Key Stage 2: written by John Baines, OBE

The storybook Wiz’s Wonderful Web was written by John Baines OBE, in association with WTA staff, telling the story of what happened to Emma when she dropped an empty drink can in the playground at school. It is the starting point for the Teacher and Support Materials.

Click here to request a free e-copy of the KS2 books.


Key Stage 4: written by WTA

WTA staff wrote and produced the set of KS4 materials, to aid the involvement of young people in the creation of waste action plans. The activities examine issues that need to be considered in creating community or school action plans, and the preparing, planning and conducting research required for such a plan.

Click here to request a free e-copy of the KS4 books.

Emma, the star of the KS2 story book Wiz’s Wonderful Web and her bear Edward, with other characters from the story.

Citizenship Project

Student and Teacher Books for KS2 and KS4

Tidy Britain Group

The Key Stage 2 Student and Teacher books

The Key Stage 4 Student and Teacher books

To contact us:

Telephone: +44 (0)1223 208718 or +44 (0)7952 824467

Email: web@wtaeducationservices.com




Website updated October 2014.

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