WTA Education Services

Connecting Local to Global

Inspiring Action Competence


This workshop allows participants to develop a strategy for applying action competence methods within their own educational context.

The methodology creates a dialogue with community representatives, generates clear deliverable actions that benefit the stakeholders, provides a basis for reconciling different reviews, and enables the education of community representatives concerning:

· The limits set by stakeholders, whilst providing ideas for the decision-making body to consider.

· The ability to discuss and reach consensus about how different communities can be involved and represented.

· The relative uses of a resource so that any one group ‘shouting the loudest’ does not outweigh those using the resource in a quiet way.

Outputs for young people

Action competence provides real and tangible outputs for young people, providing opportunities for them to define research and refine their understanding of a particular issue or subject.  Reports from completed projects show that the action competence method can enable young people to engage wider communities in initial consultations about the use of a resource.

· Develop skills and understanding of how to actively participate in solving local problems.

· Contribute to policy debates.

· Become engaged in local, national or international issues.

· Make their voice heard about specific issues to decision-making groups.

· Learn skills relevant to future employment.

Teacher workshops

Engaging young people

Text Box: “I realized I don’t have to lecture all the time, I can give them problems to solve.”
Workshop participant

To contact us:

Telephone: +44 (0)1223 208718 or +44 (0)7952 824467

Email: web@wtaeducationservices.com




Website updated October 2014.

Disclaimer: We provide hyperlinks to websites as a convenience to our site users and cannot accept responsibility for the content of external sites.

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