WTA Education Services

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The SKILLS Factor


This competition, launched in 2009, provides young people from across the country aged 12 to 19 with the opportunity to demonstrate that they have developed a range of employability skills that will assist them enter the world of work. The content of the competition challenges young people to show they have what it takes to develop an idea and bring it to fruition and then to present and demonstrate what they learned along the way.

WTA Education Services provided support for the Skills Factor project from its inception to the launch in 2009 and the second year, 2011. The SKILLS Factor was created by Young Chamber as a national skills contest to focus on the skills needed by entrants into today's and tomorrow's labour market. It included a Battle of the Bands for young musical talent wishing to showcase their original music.

See the Skills Factor website for more details.

A national skills contest

For Young Chamber UK Ltd

The first Skills Factor Final at BAFTA, London, 2010: the winning team from

Roundhay School, Leeds

The Eastern Nights team being interviewed by host Saira Khan at the 2010 final at BAFTA, London

Skills Factor 2011 winners with host Saira Khan

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Email: web@wtaeducationservices.com




Website updated October 2014.

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