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WTA evaluated the 3-year project run in the Luton area, assessing the impacts of the tracking and profiling of the performance of pupils triggering interventions at transition stages across the 3-16 age range between Key Stages, year groups and schools and identifying the impacts and innovations of the Transition Trailblazer Project implementation. Here is an extract from the Introduction of the full evaluation report:
Evaluating the Marsh Farm Trailblazer Project |
Assessing the three-year intervention strategy |
For Lea Manor School in Luton |
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Website updated October 2014. Disclaimer: We provide hyperlinks to websites as a convenience to our site users and cannot accept responsibility for the content of external sites. |
Extract from the IntroductionThe Transition Trailblazer Project based at Lea Manor High School was a three year project starting in 2007. Its initial objectives were to develop learning intervention strategies within, across and between schools that: · reduced exclusion in Marsh Farm · developed and shared a synchronous tracking system · explored the possibility of a common pupil profile linked to the tracking system · focussed on learning objectives on the acquisition of language/literacy · engaged parents and boys in learning · developed positive attitudes to learning The objectives and priorities were further reviewed and the main priority for action evolved to become the development of students’ speaking, listening and reading skills. The interventions associated with achieving these priorities - coupled with the establishment of the exclusion unit and cross-phase interventions - has resulted in models of support that appear to have been highly effective in achieving the objectives of the project. There is, however, one exception: the development of a synchronous tracking system. This objective needed to be redefined to reflect development within the local authority to create its own data tracking system, the existing use of different systems appropriate to different age groups (with each partner school firmly committed to the continued use of the Information Management being used at the time) and the resources required for all schools to develop and redefine their systems. These issues were discussed further after a definition of the methodology employed for these evaluations. The focus on tracking pupils and cross-phase data associated with specific interventions such as speech therapy indicated a method for enhancing or synchronising profile data in an effective way. |